Japanese Lesson,Japanese culture, food, history, otaku and products,,Japanese infomation

No.5 Japanese SnackV / Foodstuff "Konjac"/ Various noodles

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No.5 Japanese SnackV / Foodstuff "Konjac"/ Various noodles

【English-speaking countries】
The nostalgic Snack is to introduce “the Camu camu konjac(Chew chew konjac)
” is, to introduce dishes using konjac and Konjac is good for your health! ?,
last, We will talk about Japanese noodles and a variety of noodles.



【Le pays est le parler en francais】
Le snack nostalgique est d'introduire ≪le Camu Camu konjac (Chew macher konjac)" est, a introduire des plats utilisant konjac et de konjac est bon pour votre sante! ?,
derniere, Nous allons parler de nouilles japonaises et une variete de nouilles.



【Страна разговоры на русском языке】
Ностальгический Снэк является введение "THE Камю Камю Аморфофаллус (Chew Chew Аморфофаллус)
"Это, чтобы ввести блюда с помощью конжек и Аморфофаллус коньяк хорошо для вашего здоровья! ?,
Наконец, мы будем говорить о японских лапшой и различными лапши.



懐かしいお菓子「かむかむ こんにゃく」のご紹介、こんにゃくを使った料理やこんにゃくは健康に良いのか!?など、最後は、日本の麺類や様々な麺類について楽しく語り合います。


No.5 Japanese SnackV / Foodstuff "Konjac"/ Various noodles関連ページ

Feedback Reaction Retroalimentacion Обратная связь 信息反? ご意見ご感想
It's the best lecture for you who would like to learn Japanese! While enjoying know now of Japanese information, such as Japanese culture, food, history, otaku and products, This is good-Japanese course program of killing two birds with one stone to learn Japanese! Ordinary office workers, will deliver the usual topic of ordinary people eyes!
No.4 Japanese Snack / Automatic ticket gate/ Tourist spot of Kyoto
It's the best lecture for you who would like to learn Japanese! While enjoying know now of Japanese information, such as Japanese culture, food, history, otaku and products, This is good-Japanese course program of killing two birds with one stone to learn Japanese! Ordinary office workers, will deliver the usual topic of ordinary people eyes!
No.3Japanese Snack/ Drink calpis/ Kyoto
It's the best lecture for you who would like to learn Japanese! While enjoying know now of Japanese information, such as Japanese culture, food, history, otaku and products, This is good-Japanese course program of killing two birds with one stone to learn Japanese! Ordinary office workers, will deliver the usual topic of ordinary people eyes!
No.2 Japanese BEER/ Laser printer/ Imperia Hotel
It's the best lecture for you who would like to learn Japanese! While enjoying know now of Japanese information, such as Japanese culture, food, history, otaku and products, This is good-Japanese course program of killing two birds with one stone to learn Japanese! Ordinary office workers, will deliver the usual topic of ordinary people eyes!
No.1 The Bento of convenience store /Japanese BEER
It's the best lecture for you who would like to learn Japanese! While enjoying know now of Japanese information, such as Japanese culture, food, history, otaku and products, This is good-Japanese course program of killing two birds with one stone to learn Japanese! Ordinary office workers, will deliver the usual topic of ordinary people eyes!

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